

Audiobook Pricing

There are various ways that companies charge for audiobook production. One of the most common is a price ‘per finished hour’. This means the true cost of an audiobook to you isn’t fully known until the project is complete. Yes, companies will give an estimate of what this will be but we do not like the uncertainty of this.

With our audiobook projects we will send you a set price for the conversion of the audiobook. Below you will find our standard rate. This is the rate used for most of our audiobook projects.

£32/1000 words

Dedicated voice actors selected from sample auditions. Yes. We provide a dedicated voice actor, sound engineer and director so everyone can concentrate on what they do best. 
Recorded in a studio Yes. We record in a dedicated studio located just outside Cheltenham in the UK. 
Quality assured against manuscript at time of recording Yes. The director’s role at a recording session is to make sure your words are conveyed in the best way possible. This includes the emotion of your writing but also making sure your words are accurately represented. 
Audio edited to remove mistakes Yes. Our process ensures fewer mistakes will have got through to this stage due to having multiple people involved before this; however those that do get through will be corrected. 
Audio mastered and levelled Yes
One round of author changes Yes
Final audio supplied as MP3s, M4B, ACX-ready files and high-quality WAVs Yes. We are platform agnostic and can provide your audio in whatever form you need. 
editing a podcast


Podcast Pricing

Podcasts are a great way to get your exciting content out to the world. The ease of use for the listener coupled with the multitude of podcast apps that cater to various listening styles means your work can have quick and easy access to a massive audience. 

But how can you make your podcast stand out from the crowd?

Our podcast editing service takes your raw audio and converts it to upload-ready podcastable content. We will:

  • Edit out your mistakes
  • Remove filler words where possible (umms, ahhs, y’knows…)
  • Remove or severely reduce breath noise depending on what kind of podcast you are going for
  • Level the audio between speakers
  • Master the audio
  • Add agreed intro and outro music / run ins.

Our pricing starts at £50 per episode for up to three speakers for up to 20 minutes. However we would love to discuss your project and are happy to work out set price agreements with you. 

We can also set up basic podcast websites with RSS feeds for you to enter into the various podcast directories. A basic podcast ready website will start from £200. Add-ons to this service include:

  • Bespoke designs
  • Stats packages
  • Custom email addresses
  • Full management of content upload and scheduling

Get in touch if you have something specific in mind.